Sunday, December 9, 2007

3D Interior Walkthrough Animated Demo 03

Updated on the interior walkthrough, this time added a 3D character with wing. At first i also wanted to include hair on the character but having problem with the render (after render about 130 frames, 3dsmax will crash due to memory issues). Although mi have turn-about solution to this problem, but very troublesome, so in the end i just excluded the hair for this animated.

Friday, December 7, 2007

3D Character Animated Testing

Did a simple biped rig on the 3D Character. Try animate the character on see how the hair react to the movement. Use mocap data on the animation.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

3D Fairy in Primitive Stage

Done a sample model of a 3D fairy in a primitive form, next going to try to add hair. Not going too much on texturing part, just use the skin texture on mental ray for the character.